Bright Yellow Flower

The St. Vincent de Paul parish and staff want to do all that is possible to help after the death of a loved one. We believe it is important to be with you during your sorrow and to remember and celebrate the life of the person who has made their final journey to God.

Below, you will find resources to help you plan for a funeral that will celebrate the life of the person and our belief in the resurrection. The priest will meet with you and help you plan for the funeral, but these resources are provided to help in preliminary planning.

The following are lists of Scriptures appropriate for use in Catholic Funeral Liturgies. One reading is chosen from each:

  1. The Old Testament
  2. The New Testament
  3. The Gospels

*Other Scripture passages can be presented to the priest for approval.
**Non-Scripture readings cannot be read in place of these readings but could be used in the worship aides or through some other means.


When do you normally have funerals?
Funerals can be planned in the morning or afternoon. Normally if a family wants to have a funeral luncheon, the funeral would be planned at 10:00 or 11:00 a.m. depending on whether the internment at the cemetery takes place immediately after the Funeral Mass.

Is cremation allowed?
While there is a preference for having the body present at the funeral, cremation is allowed and the cremated remains can be present at the funeral Mass. The Church does believe the cremated remains should be treated with respect and should be buried or placed in a mausoleum where the family can go and offer prayers for their loved one.

What about a Rosary or Vigil service the night before the funeral?
The family may choose to have a Vigil Service or Rosary the night before the Funeral Mass. A Rosary or Vigil service is not required. It may take place any time the evening before depending on the availability of the Priest and facilities. The family may choose between a Vigil Service and a Rosary Service. The Vigil Service has readings and prayers of petition rather than focusing on the Rosary. There can be a time where family and friends share memories during either a Vigil Service or a Rosary Service. We normally serve cookies, coffee, and refreshments in the Gathering Space after the evening service to allow the family and friends an informal time to share stories and condolences.

What does a funeral cost at St. Vincent de Paul Church?
There is no rental cost for a funeral at St. Vincent de Paul Church. We do ask you to compensate the music ministers for their time. We also appreciate donations to help cover the cost of the food for the funeral dinner. However, if there is financial need, we will provide the buildings, musicians, and a funeral dinner without any costs here at St. Vincent’s.

Can I display photos?
You can display photos on tables or on photo display boards. The parish has two beautiful photo display boards where photos can be attached with provided magnets.

Slideshows may be shown on a TV in the Gathering Space or during the funeral luncheon in the Ville. (Gathering Space TV is not available during Advent and Christmas seasons)

What do I need to provide for the Funeral Mass Program?
A recent photo is used on the front cover of the Worship Aid and for our memorial wall. A picture from earlier in life is used for the back cover. The recent photo is often something about their life, such as a graduation, military photo, or the person doing their favorite hobby. Alternatively, you may provide a favorite poem or prayer in lieu of a recent photo.