Annual Fund Drive
What a blessing our parish is! For us to continue our ministries each year, the parish asks for your assistance with an Annual Fund Drive, which raises capital for repairs to our physical home. These repairs are the result of 30 years of continued use of our facility.
Some of the monies that you generously donate, we reserve in savings, so that in the future projects that are needed such as replacement/repairs to boilers, HVAC systems, outside building repairs, etc., can be attended to without the need for a separate fundraiser. Over the past few months, we have seen several improvements in our building. including replacement of carpeting, painting, and a freshening of our parish office.
Upcoming projects will include update of the Ville house lighting, Gathering Space boiler and air handler updates, parking lot repairs, and Ville video system replacement.
As I have said in the past, these projects are not very glamorous, but all necessary. Thank you for your gift. For your convenience, you can complete your pledge and make your donation online. Again, thank you for your continued support of our parish!
Father Kenneth S. VanHaverbeke