The Year of St. Joseph
God called Joseph to be the protector of and provider for his greatest treasures: his divine Son, Jesus, and his mother, Mary. Joseph was protector and provider from the beginning. He wanted to protect Mary from the law when she was found with child. Joseph gave Mary the protection of a husband when he took her into his home as his wife. He provided for her urgent need when he anxiously sought among the dwellings of Bethlehem for a place for Mary to give birth. Joseph named the infant “Jesus” and established his status in Israel. He fled into Egypt with Mary and Jesus to escape Herod’s murderous grasp. After Egypt he established a home for them in Nazareth and there he worked diligently at his wood craft to provide for his little family. There he taught Jesus to grow in wisdom and grace. There, Mary called Joseph “husband” and Jesus called him “father.” The mysteries of the holy Virgin, Mother of God, and the Son, God Incarnate, placed in the care of Joseph, transformed a simple carpenter into the image of the eternal Father.