Stewardship renewal e1731008871519

Stewardship Renewal 2024

Our annual Stewardship renewal is a time to reflect on the gifts that we have been given. This year’s theme is “Go and Do Likewise”, Luke 10:25- 37, The Parable of the Good Samaritan, where Jesus asks us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” and, “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

I encourage you and your family to prayerfully reflect on how you can share the spiritual gifts you have been given and discover the ministries that will help you share your spiritual gifts. It is also a good reminder that stewardship is not a “church thing” but rather something that begins in the home, in the family, and flows to the parish and the broader community. 

Completing this form will also provide us with updated contact information. We are a mobile society; emails, phone numbers, and addresses change, and our children grow up and no longer live at home. We need your help to keep our database up to date. For your convenience, this form is also available online.

Suppose you are looking for new ministry ideas. In that case, you might consider spending an hour weekly in Eucharistic Adoration, donating items for the Andover Community Food Bank, or volunteering to call the homebound. These are just a few ways you can share your gifts. We ask that you return the stewardship form by November 28.

Jesus calls us to follow Him and to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). Being a disciple requires, first and foremost, a personal relationship with our Lord and ongoing conversion. The good news is we aren’t meant to do this alone. Community is where we share life, pray, and encourage others in our walk with God and our neighbors.

Thank you for your continued gifts of time, talent, and treasure,

Father Ken VanHaverbeke

Online Stewardship FormStewardship renewal


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