Start A Small Group
Read our parish’s vision and goals for our small groups. This will give you the basic criteria and requirements for groups sponsored by our church. After that, fill out the form and we’ll get back to you soon!St
Vision for Small Groups
To build community through stronger, deeper friendships, allow people to grown in their faith through those relationships and to be more welcoming to new members.
Core Values for Small Groups
Acceptance of people wherever they are on their faith and life journeys. Respect for opinions and feelings of others.
Strengthen our parish community through networking, small group relationships, and shared experiences. Foster both intentional and “incidental” growth on our faith and community awareness through small group involvement and activities.
Categories of Groups:
- Faith Building/Study (examples: Bible Study, Book Club, Prayer)
- Self Help (examples: Fitness, Diet, Bereavement, Addiction Recovery)
- Common Interest (examples: Wood Carving, Art, Sewing, Horseback Riding)
- Service and Community (examples: volunteers for service projects, providing meals, sewing for a specific need, mission trip support)
Basic Criteria for Group Formation:
- Committed leader(s) for the group, willing to follow through on formation and maintenance of the group, and take responsibility for communication with those in the group.
- Defined category and focus for the group, with basic outline of what materials will be used (if applicable).
- Summary of what will be required of those joining the group….for example, materials that need to be purchased, general time commitment and schedule of meetings.
- Place to meet (if requesting space at SVdP must be willing to work with parish calendar)
Requirements for Groups Sponsored/Endorsed by SVdP
- Materials to be used for Faith Building/Study or Self Help groups will be communicated to SVdP Staff/Committee for review, including statement by the leader of their experience with the materials and supporting documentation/testimonials from others who have used them. (The committee may ask for copies of materials in some cases for further review)
- Documentation of any certifications or training that might be needed for leading the group. (For example, certification as Yoga or Pilates instructor or CPR training if leading other exercise groups)
- VIRTUS training for leaders of groups that might involve children.
- Interview of the group leader(s) by SVdP Staff/Committee, on request, to discuss plans and goals for the groups.
- Verification that no “retail sales” relationship is the basis for the group. (For example, sales of dietary supplements or foods, craft items or other materials)
- Regular communication with SVdP Staff/Committee for follow up, feedback, and other requested information to help with overall growth of the Small Group process and program.
- Willingness to accept new members, or assist in formation of similar group to accommodate others hoping to be part of a type or category of group, or with a certain focus.