
Cub Scout Pack 584 – Greater Wichita’s Pack of the Year in 2021 and 2022 – is open to boys and girls in grades K-5.  Our program brings families together and helps children develop confidence, leadership, and social skills while emphasizing character development, citizenship, outdoor skills, and service.  Our Pack (all K-5) meets 1-2 times a month for fun events and awards; each Den (individual grades) meets once a month for fun learning events.  Meetings occur at St. Vincent de Paul and other fun locations throughout the Andover and Wichita areas.  Annual events include camping (3 outdoor campouts and an indoor camping in the winter), fun summer activities like swimming and baseball, participation in the Greater Andover Days parade, Scout races (race cars at our Pinewood Derby and sailboats at our Raingutter Regatta), and various service and conservation activities.


Contact Aidan Dunleavy for more information: [email protected] or (316) 734-2446