
Boy Scout Troop 584 is open to boys in grades 6-12.  Our program helps youth develop into responsible adults and leaders by emphasizing character development, citizenship, outdoor skills, and service.  Our Troop meets Monday nights (6:45 – 8:00 pm) at St. Vincent de Paul during the school year.  The Troop has one weekend campout per month, where Scouts will learn and demonstrate basic survival, cooking, and camping skills.  During the summer, the Troop invites Scouts to participate in week-long camping experiences, traveling to locations such as Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Yellowstone National Park; older Scouts may also participate in high-adventure national camping experiences at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico and SeaBase in the Florida Keys.  Youth that have attained the Eagle Scout rank – the highest rank in Scouting – have gone on to achieve success in a variety of fields, including notable Eagle Scouts who have become astronauts, athletes, entrepreneurs, Presidents, and scientists.


Contact Terry Osburn for more information: [email protected] or (785) 259-5885