Stewardship 2

Honoring God with ALL that He has given

Stewardship is defined in the Catholic Diocese of Wichita as the grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes and receives God’s gifts and shares these gifts in love of God and Neighbor. Stewardship is not just about money, it is our time, talent, and treasure given to God in thanks for all that he has given us. Stewardship challenges us to go deeper into our relationship with Christ, embrace the mission of the Church more fully, and live out this mission in our daily lives. How can your stewardship make a difference in your life as well as others?

Stewardship 1

Each fall we ask our members to renew their stewardship commitment by completing an annual stewardship form. We encourage everyone to explore different ministries that will help them to grow in faith, both spiritually and through service.

Stewardship Form

Stewardship 3

Links to Stewardship Resources
Stewardship Way of Life
Relationship between Stewardship and Catholic Schools
What it means to be a Christian Steward