2017 Life Logo 1 grey background

LIFE (Living Inspired Faith Everywhere) is our parish-wide faith formation program designed to help us grow our relationship with Jesus and each other.  We come together as a church family to enjoy food and fellowship while praying, singing, and learning. Invite your family and friends to an evening of delicious food, creative talks, videos, engaging conversation, and lively music.

LIFE Sessions yearly overall will cover the four principal parts of the Catholic Catechism:

I.      The Profession of Faith (the Creed)

II.     The Celebration of the Christian Mystery (The Sacred Liturgy, especially the sacraments)

III.    Life in Christ (Morality)

IV.     Christian Prayer

2024-2025 Calendar

We are excited that this year’s theme will be Evangelization, focusing on the home, our community, and in the world. In the Gospel of Matthew, we are given the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” Matthew 28;19. Join us this year as we learn to share our faith with those around us. We will also have breakout sessions for children based on grade levels.

October 6th        Evangelization in the Community-Fr. Mark Beran

November 10th  Evangelization in the Home-Jackie Arnold

February 2nd      Evangelization in the World-Conner Wurth


5:00 Dinner

5:45 General Session

6:00 Breakouts for Adult and Children (Pre-k through High School)

7:15 Closing

*Nursery available for children 18 months to 3 years old