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The Modern Woman’s Guide to the Bible

Have you ever considered that your day-to-day struggles are, at their core, timeless and universal? Though your challenges are deeply personal, they are also deeply human, and God has provided workable solutions for you through the teachings of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church.

Walking with Purpose would like to help you enjoy a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ, nurtured through personal Bible study and small group discussions created just for women. This year, we are excited to be offering Walking With Purpose’s foundational study, Opening Your Heart and the Beholding Series for those women who have already completed Opening Your Heart.

Opening Your Heart Bible Study is an incredibly effective guide to deep, lasting transformation of the heart. We encourage all participants new to Walking With Purpose to begin here, regardless of previous experience with Bible Study. In this study, you will explore the core questions How can I conquer my fears or what is the role of the Holy Spirit in my life, plus much more!

The Beholding Series will study the people and events of the Old Testament. This two-part series, Beholding His Glory and Beholding Your King, will show us how all Scripture points us to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. In Beholding His Glory, we will learn to recognize and appreciate God’s plan for our lives and His desire for personal intimacy with each of us. Then, in Beholding Your King, we will study King David, select Psalms, the temple, and many Old Testament Prophets.

For more information about our program, please contact one of our coordinators:


Step One: 

Click HERE to register

Step Two: 

To order your book click HERE


Wednesday Morning Schedule:

OYH Morning Calendar

Beholding Series Morning Calendar

BHG Morning Calendar

BYK Morning Calendar

Thursday Evening Schedule:

OYH Evening Calendar

Beholding Series Evening Calendar

BHG Evening Calendar

BYK Evening Calendar